Content Marketing is a B$@#h! Here’s How to Ease the Pain.

I’m just going to throw something out there…creating content can be a b@#!h sometimes. You spend days locked in strategy meetings brainstorming new ideas, hours scouring the internet for new articles and an embarrassingly long time pretending you’re looking for things to post but you’re literally tapped out (not like I’ve ever done that or […]

Warning: Explicit Content Sells – Or Does It?

What do Carls Jr., PETA, the War of Worlds mobile video game and Mythbusters have in common? Sex. These companies (with the exception of Mythbusters who conducted a study, but we’ll get into that later) have used sex in their ads, attempting to cash in on the advertising industry mantra: sex sells. It might be […]

51 Uses for Video in Marketing

Not sure how to incorporate video into your marketing strategy? Or maybe you think video is one-dimensional? Check out this infographic we created that shows 51 different ways to use video marketing – and trust us, this is not an exhaustive list! Don’t forget to share with your network as well.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Video Landing Pages

Your company has decided to invest in video marketing to support an upcoming promotional campaign. You’ve rallied your troops, planned the content, breezed through the video production process and now you’ve got your totally amazing video sitting in your hot little hands! So what do you decide to do with it? If you’re like many, […]

How to Incorporate GIFs for Massive Impact!

GIFs. They’re snack size pieces of kickass awesomeness that bring a little visual humor to your audience. Oh, you don’t use them? You think they’re cheesy, pointless or unprofessional? Here’s what we have to say about that… Well we didn’t really have to say anything at all, because the Panda proved our point.  The right […]

Turn Your Brand’s Story From Blah to BAM!

“Why?” According to World-English, “why” is the 178th most commonly used word in the English language. Typically used to ask a question, it opens up a conversation to a whole slew of potential responses and hours of endless debate. And it’s a question brands in particular are being asked more and more frequently. But, why? […]

Are You Ready to Join the Evolution of a More Beautiful Internet?

I received an email yesterday with a subject line that read, “AI websites that design themselves…check it out!” “Wow,” I thought, “a website can design itself now?!” Clearly, my interest was peaked. I followed the link and landed on The Grid website. What I saw in front of me was so simple…2 lines of text, […]

SlideShare – adding impact with this important marketing platform!

SlideShare is quickly gaining notoriety in the world of content marketing. According to, SlideShare sees 500% more B2B traffic than LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube with over 3 billion presentation views per month! Stats like these are hard to ignore and clearly illustrate the potential of this growing platform. So what is SlideShare? It’s […]

Crowdfunding 101: How Exploding Kittens & Laser Beams Will Raise You More Money!

Yes, you did read the headline correctly; kittens bursting into a fiery blaze, laser pointer distractions and mutant animals have helped achieve unbelievable success on Kickstarter. But, before we get into how these three seemingly unrelated things are going to launch your project to unprecedented success, lets take a quick step back… Unless you’ve been […]

7 Steps to Harness the Most Important Marketing Tool of 2015!

Ringing in a new year inevitably leads to setting new goals, and not just the ones that involve hitting the gym to improve your health. Regardless of what point in the year business planning takes place in your organization the start of 2015 is a good time to reflect on how well your marketing strategy […]