It’s Time for the Replay!

If you didn’t make it to some of the live sessions from the 2024 Entrepreneur Symposium, don’t worry! You haven’t missed out. 

Browse the session replays below and watch any time.

Click to replay:

Jeff Waldman

Founder & Principal – Scale HR

John Carvalho

President – Stone Oak Capital Inc


Co-Founder & CEO – Fundica


VP Marketing – Vidyard


CEO & Founder – Bx Networking


CEO – Set 2 Close

Sam Jenkins

Director – Punchcard Systems


Co-Founder – Pink Shark PR


CEO – Modern Muse Media


CEO – The Staver Group


Owner, Author, Musician – Big Break Entertainment


Founder & CEO – Small Biz Silver Lining

Jeff Waldman

Founder & Principal at: Scale HR

Session Name: Beyond Buzzwords: Real Strategies for Finding and Keeping Next-Gen Talent

Session Overview:

In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining the next generation of talent is a critical challenge, and even more so in small businesses. As we navigate a rapidly evolving workplace, organizations must adapt their approaches to identify, engage, and keep young professionals who will shape the future of the workforce.

Join us for an interactive and insightful workshop, “Finding & Keeping Next Generation Talent,” where we will explore innovative strategies and best practices for finding and retaining the next generation of talent. This workshop is designed for HR professionals, managers, and leaders seeking to build a dynamic, diverse, and resilient team.

John Carvalho

President at: Stone Oak Capital Inc.

Session Name: Masterclass on Selling a Mid-Sized Business

Session Overview: The three keys for successfully selling a mid-sided business; Positioning, Valuation and Execution


President at Fundica

Session Name: The 7 W’s of Funding

Session Overview: Join us for an insightful workshop on “The 7W’s of Funding”, led by funding expert Mike Lee. In this engaging session, entrepreneurs will learn to navigate the complex world of funding through the framework of 7 key questions every business owner should consider when seeking funding for their business. The workshop will equip you with the knowledge to secure the ideal funding for your venture, propelling your business towards success. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your funding approach and redefine your entrepreneurial journey. Be a part of an enriching experience that could change the trajectory of your business and elevate your business growth to new heights!

tyler lessard

VP Marketing and GTM Executive at Vidyard

Session Name: 4 Growth Strategies to Accelerate Your Brand and Demand

Session Overview: As a startup or small business, you have a massive advantage over your larger competitors. You’re more nimble, you’re willing to experiment, and you can take a fresh approach to marketing and selling in a way that truly aligns with modern buyers. While others are trapped doing things “the way they’ve always been done” you have an opportunity to STOP THE INSANITY and build a go-to-market engine that leverages modern tech and anchors around the “new digital-first prospect.”

Join Vidyard’s VP of Marketing for an interactive session where we’ll break down how buyers have changed in recent years and what it means for your go-to-market approach. Discover four different growth strategies that align with these new buyer preferences and behaviors, and how to start building them into your sales, marketing, and product-led motions.


Founder & CEO at Bx Business Networking Reimagined

Session Name: 10 Principles from the World’s # 1 Leadership Coach 

Session Overview: Today we have Matt Alderton from Bx – Business Networking Reimagined, sharing with you 10 Principles from the World’s # 1 Leadership Coach.

Matt has worked with, and been mentored by, global authorities in leadership, including John C. Maxwell, Les Brown and Terry Hawkins. He has met with Prime Ministers and iconic leaders to bring to you today his Top 10 Principles on Leadership to empower you to achieve great success in your business and life.

Jordon Rowse

CEO at Set 2 Close

Session Name: Designing an AI-Driven Sales Tech Stack

Session Overview: As the power of AI-driven technologies becomes more apparent, CEOs and business owners often have questions about AI and its use in sales processes, technologies and teams. Like how can AI improve sales processes? Can it make my sales team more efficient? How do you prioritize and choose the right AI tools?

In our session Designing an AI-Driven Sales Tech Stack, Jordan Rowse, CEO and Co-Founder of Set 2 Close, will answer these questions and uncover:

How AI can help sales teams identify and target potential customers more effectively

How AI improves sales processes and ultimately drives more revenue.

What the most common risks and challenges associated with implementing AI in our sales operations are, and how to avoid them.

From this session, you’ll walk away with the knowledge required to implement AI into your own sales processes for greater team efficiency.

Sam Jenkins

Managing Partner, Director at Punchcard Systems

Session Name: Outcomes before outputs: Building a culture of innovative thinking in your business

Session Overview: Within this session, Sam will be equipping business leaders and teams with the tools, knowledge, and mindset required to prioritize outcomes over outputs and foster a culture of innovative thinking in their organization.

Jenny Beres

Co-Founder at Pink Shark PR

Session Name: Leverage the Power of PR to Self-Fund Your Startup
Session Overview: During Leverage the Power of PR to Self-Fund Your Startup, we’ll discuss

* Why the product is never the story and how to leverage your founder story to get mainstream media attention that leads to immediate revenue generation
*Why you must be”found” to get “funded.” How and why securing media coverage raises your valuation and makes you more appealing to your ideal customer and investor
*Where to get media coverage to catch investor attention
*How to craft a pitch journalists want to read (and write about!)
* Why you should be generating revenue immediately (and not wait on funding) and how to leverage PR as part of your self-funded roadmap

Jesse Schewchuk

Founder and CEO at Modern Muse Media

Session Name: Get In The Know About Video

Session Overview: You WANT to be doing video, but you have no idea where to start!

It’s official, folks – we now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish, which means you only have about 6 seconds to capture your audience’s attention in a memorable, professional way.

The marketing world moves at the speed of light, and we are experiencing just how quickly it is evolving.

Because our world is changing rapidly, so too are consumer expectations. And if your business wants to continue to add real value and solve customers’ problems (of course it does!), you will have to rethink your products and services to account for the huge shifts taking place, with video being THE premier tool for marketing your business.

We get it! The idea of getting into video can be overwhelming. When you’re used to looking people in the eyes, it’s awkward to have to express yourself into a camera, and it can feel very vulnerable to put yourself out there. Not to mention the time and money required to do video well. But like everything else, practice makes perfect, and with the right tools and guidance, you too can capitalize on this amazing, versatile tool that has now become more accessible than ever.

Join multi-award-winning Television Producer Jesse Schewchuk and discover the latest video marketing trends, practical pro-tips you can implement immediately, and how you too, can level up your video!

➢ Key Learning Outcomes

– Messaging: How To Tell A Story & Capture Attention

– Technical ProTips: Framing, Angles, Lighting, Sounds, Equipment

– What Not To Do

– What You Don’t Know About Video

And a quick summary about Modern Muse Media:

Modern Muse Media is an Alberta-based corporate video training agency that teaches businesses and individuals how to produce their own videos for social media, how to build up their social brand and how to take social media marketing to the next level through video.


CEO at The Staver Group

Session Name: Creating and Sustaining High Performance

Session Overview: What do you stand for? What does your company stand for? Are your values clear? Are they obvious to customers, staff, and the community? Is your company optimally positioned and differentiated by the consistent application of your vision and core values?

Most leaders and organizations are moving at such a rapid pace that taking a step back to think about these things seems like a luxury when, in fact, it couldn’t be more crucial. It doesn’t matter where your company and industry stand in the growth cycle. Focusing on who you are and what you stand for is the most critical thing you can do.

Participants will learn:

  • How to identify and apply their core values to their leadership
  • How to align their behavior with what they say they believe
  • How to be powerfully influential regardless of level of authority
  • How to build accountability and improve efficiency
  • How to build a high-performance culture


Owner | Speaker | Author | Musician at Big Break Enterprises

Session Name: Creating a Storytelling Culture

Session Overview: As a Story Coach, Dave believes that we all have more in common with each other than we don’t and that all of us have an amazing story with which to change the world. Far too often however, brands attempt to make analytical , left-brained arguments as to why people should embrace them. In actuality , branding is a story-based exercise best communicated from the heart to the heart of others. Dave shares his views on a model he calls Compassionate Design, which advocates businesses plan for success through an intentional process of seeking wins for all 5 stakeholders in any business (Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Community and Shareholders) through more effective use of storytelling and he will share techniques and strategies to create content that makes people FEEL the message.


Founder & CEO at Small Biz Silver Lining

Session Name: Forget New Years Resolutions – Set & Actually Hit Your Goals in 2024

Session Overview: As we end 2023 and look to a new year it is tempting to think that we will start fresh and somehow everything that didn’t work this year will work next year – we will find new customers, hit our goals, lose that weight and finally go on that vacation! However, the reality (and what behavior change science says!) is that resolutions do not work because they are hopes, wishes and dreams. What small business owners really need to succeed are values – aligned measurable goals, a clear action plan to connect with ideal customers and a simple but comprehensive set of habits and outside structure and support to build a strong mindset that can handle any circumstance. In this session we will teach you a practical framework to set your 2024 small business growth goals and to get all that you need to actually hit them!