Clean cars and referrals turned Moh into a young entrepreneur at just 16 years old. It all started when a neighbor saw his spotless car and asked for a quote. Impressed by the result, the neighbor recommended Moh to a friend, and the rest is history. 

Today’s entrepreneur story is sure to pull on the heart strings, inspire all those that hear it, and offers incredible value to any entrepreneur-to-be on their journey to success. Moh is the founder of ScriptChain Health and we’re so glad we got to dive into some of his boundless entrepreneurial wisdom.

What are three things  every entrepreneur should know?

Be open to sacrifice. The amount of hard work, time, and energy it takes to reach your goals makes it incredibly difficult to still be there every time your friends want to hang out, to attend every Sunday roast, or to do other things that most people do on a daily or weekly basis. Moh mentioned that he absolutely wants to see his friends every week, but he has clear goals that he wants to achieve and so he has to make sacrifices. 

Having grit is the next thing that Moh believes is crucial for entrepreneurs. You have to have thick skin. Moh highlighted the importance of not being insecure and weak, not in a this-person-doesn’t-like-me way, but in a you’re-going-to-hear-no-often-so-you-need-to-toughen-up way. Starting a business takes investors, running a business involves sales, pioneering your own path attracts opposition. In order to stay focused on your goals, you need to be fully-rooted in your mission with an ability to tune out those that don’t see your vision. 

To add to that: people are going to have feedback. If an investor sees a hole in your strategy, they will point it out. You have to be able to take that feedback and look at it from a critical, problem-solving point of view without taking it personally. The same thing can be said for customers, you need to have skin thick enough to look past a bad review to see how you can use it to improve your product or service.  

Lastly, Moh emphasized the importance of enjoying the process. There will be highs and lows on your entrepreneurial journey (Moh has certainly had his own). “It’s like a rollercoaster ride and you have to ride it,” Moh stated. 

You cannot base your decision-making on how you feel at the time. When you’re feeling low because business has hit a bit of a slump or you’re facing adversity, you cannot make a rush decision out of fear. Similarly, when you’re on a high and feeling super good, you can’t make a rush decision because right now everything seems hunky-dory. 

Enjoy the process, but don’t get attached to or fearful of where you currently are on your journey. Think ahead, take note of what works and what doesn’t, and stay true to your mission – always.

What problem does your business solve and who are its customers?

Moh’s business, ScriptChain Health, aims to address the problem of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States, affecting over 700,000 people per year. Moh’s personal experience with his grandmother’s health struggles and subsequent passing due to congestive heart failure (CHF) led him to question the healthcare system and seek solutions. 

Through market research, Moh discovered that heart disease is a significant issue, resulting in losses of over $72 million per day for the US healthcare system. Using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and deep learning, Moh’s business offers a solution to identify high-risk patients for physicians and provide guidance on what to do next. 

The product roadmap currently includes a phase one option, which Moh plans to expand into a more robust system in future phases. Moh’s background in the healthcare industry, including experience as an account manager for a medical device company, has given him valuable insight into physician perspectives and challenges with medical devices.

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What inspired you to become an entrepreneur and would you do it again?

The story Moh told us of the inspiration for his business was a personal one. Moh and his sister were born within a year of each other which made it difficult for her to care for both of them to the same level when they were young. This meant that Moh’s grandmother took care of him and raised him growing up while his mother cared for his sister and, naturally, they developed a very close, strong bond. 

Unfortunately, Moh’s grandmother was diagnosed with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) and her health began to decrease as her medication intake increased. When she passed away, Moh began to question the healthcare system a lot. Why was she being prescribed so much medication? Why were they not able to detect it sooner? 

These questions were still in Moh’s mind when he went to business school and began to do market research and found that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Moh began to search for a solution to this problem because it is clearly a large one. Moh now uses his experience along with AI and other systems to provide physicians and health care workers with the tools they need to support high-risk patients. 

Courtney clarified the second part of this question, because Moh’s inspiration was so personal and so specific, and asked if he would go through the process of being an entrepreneur again, had his grandmother not been his inspiration. Sill, Moh absolutely would have.

Entrepreneurship runs in his blood. If he hadn’t had the same passion towards his specific goal, of tackling CHF and supporting those that have it, he may not have made his start in the medical field, but he would absolutely still be an entrepreneur. In fact, Moh started a microbusiness detailing cars to make money when he was sixteen. He also founded a maintenance company to help him pay for college while he was in college.

If someone had given you a million dollars when you first started your business, what would you have spent it on?

If Moh had received a million-dollar investment for his company, he would have spent it differently than he did when he was bootstrapping. He would have used the investment to gain access to resources faster, especially since obtaining access to patient medical data as a digital health company can be very difficult. Moh would have used some of the investment to immediately acquire medical data licensing, which would have saved him several months of gathering information. 

Additionally, he would have used some of the investment to acquire a Principal Investigator (PI) more rapidly. PIs are expensive, and having the funds to acquire one more quickly would have saved the company a lot of time.

What is your proudest accomplishment as an Entrepreneur?

Moh’s proudest achievement as an entrepreneur is being a solo founder, despite the challenges of starting a business alone. Moh attributes this achievement to the adversity he has faced throughout his life, which equipped him both physically and mentally to keep moving forward, even in the face of difficulty. We can certainly see this to be true. 

Moh’s current goals include raising a complete seed round, which he acknowledges may be difficult given the current market conditions, as well as securing partnerships with healthcare systems, institutions, and clinics to scale his solution in production.

What big goals are you looking to achieve this year?

Firstly, Moh would like to successfully raise ScriptChain Health’s  full seed round, despite the challenging market conditions. 

Secondly he’s aiming to secure partnerships with healthcare systems, institutions, and clinics, enabling them to expand and scale their solution in production.

Today’s stories brought to light another common theme we’ve noticed in doing these interviews, which is that many entrepreneurs have a curious mind. They do not stumble across their ideas, they search for them by asking questions. “Why do we do it this way?” “Why don’t we do it this way?” “Why doesn’t this exist yet and can I create it?”

If you find yourself asking these questions often, follow them! You never know where they might lead you. And if you’re an entrepreneur with your own rollercoaster stories to share, connect with us today so that we can discuss everything that led you to where you are today.

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