Your company has decided to invest in video marketing to support an upcoming promotional campaign. You’ve rallied your troops, planned the content, breezed through the video production process and now you’ve got your totally amazing video sitting in your hot little hands! So what do you decide to do with it? If you’re like many, you put it up on your homepage and cross your fingers and hope it does the trick promoting your campaign.

(insert the sound of hearts breaking here)

Slightly dramatic? I think not. Before we get into what you should do with your promotional video, let’s take a step back and reflect on the journey you’ve just been through.

Video is having an impact on the marketing industry in a BIG way and before your company decided to dive into 2015’s marketing must have, you likely spent a lot of time researching to ensure video was the right fit for your marketing strategy, evaluating its potential ROI and finally allocating budget to the project. And whether the video was created in-house or through a professional production company, hours were spent planning, brainstorming, collaborating, reviewing, perfecting, approving and finally rejoicing once your video masterpiece was ready for release. Video production is an investment of time, money and hard work, which is sometimes easy to overlook when you see the finished product and think, “this is the Coolest Video Ever!”

That’s why it’s such a shame to simply upload your promotional video to your homepage and call it a day, hoping your target audience finds it, gets what they need from it and takes action. We understand having a video all about your company is incredibly exciting, but that’s like finally buying that hot sports car you’ve always dreamed of having and then leaving it parked in your garage. It’s meant to be seen! The same goes for your promotional video.

While the homepage of your website is a perfect spot for some types of video, it simply does not allow you to be specific enough when promoting a particular campaign. People need context; they need to be shown very clearly what you want them to do and how they should do it. Trying to cram the important details of your campaign alongside your company mission statement, portfolio, service offerings, pricing, customer reviews, blog, etc. will only serve to distract, and likely confuse, your audience.

Landing pages on the other hand, are like wide open spaces (try not to think about the Dixie Chicks song!) with the space you need to provide allllllll the juicy, need-to-know specifics of your compelling message. No clutter, no distractions, no confusion; just your awesome video, supporting details not covered in the video and a strong call-to-action enticing customer conversion.

Basically it boils down to this:

Dedicated space for your upcoming campaign + a killer video + supporting details + a call-to-action tailored to support your killer video’s messages = a quadruple threat your viewers won’t be able to resist!

Now for a little landing page do’s and don’t for your promotional video:

And consider this, according to

Video on a landing page increases conversions by a whopping 80%!

Which is exactly why your video is begging for a dedicated landing page! Now boogie over to your website and create a landing page specifically for that stellar promotional video you’ve created. Give us a shout if you’re looking for more advice on creating one!

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