Episode 264: Leadership in the Age of Digital Transformation

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In episode 264 of AYB’s Entrepreneur Podcast, Lance chats with Tino Mantella, the CEO of Turknett Leadership Group. With extensive experience in leadership and having previously served as the CEO of the Technology Association of Georgia, Tino is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and businesses develop effective leadership strategies. 

In this interview, Tino shares his insights on effective leadership and offers advice for entrepreneurs. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose and conducting thorough research before starting a business. Tino also highlights the need for entrepreneurs to understand their own skill sets and surround themselves with the right team. He stresses the importance of setting big goals and implementing measurable steps to achieve them. Tino also discusses the challenges of managing different generations in the workplace and the impact of remote work on company culture. He emphasizes the need for leaders to be adaptable and understand the motivations of their team members.

To learn more about Turknett, visit http://www.turknett.com 

00:00 – Intro

05:01 – Discussion on “quiet quitters” and job market trends

08:05 – Leadership skills for different generations and remote work challenges

10:20 – Coaching for personal change and common challenges faced by leaders

13:39 – Understanding oneself and others is key to personal growth.

16:47 – Leading the transition back to the office requires clear communication.

19:58 – The future of work may involve a four-day workweek.

23:59 – Transitioning leadership can be smoother with open communication and mentoring.

26:34 – Understanding what is important to founders when working with them

29:21 – Advice for founders transitioning to the next growth stage

31:14 – Balancing the roles of the founder and CEO

31:58 – Questions founders should ask when hiring a CEO

32:40 – Letting go of control and empowering the CEO

36:02 – Different dynamics between boards and founders

36:28 – Importance of the CEO having an ownership stake in the company

39:44 – Importance of founders planning for the future of their company

40:15 – Owning a company until old age can be beneficial

40:55 – Advice to younger self: be patient and listen

42:48 – Outro

Amplify Your Business: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Leadership

Welcome to another episode of Amplify Your Business, where we dive deep into the world of leadership and entrepreneurship. In today’s episode, we are joined by Tino Mantella, the CEO of Turknett Leadership Group. Tino brings a wealth of experience in leadership and business growth, and he is here to share his insights and advice with us.

Three Essential Traits for Every Entrepreneur

When it comes to entrepreneurship, Tino believes that there are three key traits that every entrepreneur should possess. He emphasizes the importance of having a purpose-driven idea that has been thoroughly researched and tested in the market. Additionally, he highlights the significance of understanding one’s own skill set and surrounding oneself with the right team members who can complement those skills. Finally, Tino stresses the importance of setting big, audacious goals and implementing measurable steps to achieve them.

The Changing Landscape of Leadership

Tino acknowledges that the landscape of leadership has evolved over the years. He emphasizes the importance of building a strong company culture, where respect and responsibility are balanced. Tino believes that the days of command and control leadership are behind us, and leaders must now focus on soft skills such as empathy, emotional mastery, and effective feedback. He also addresses the challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce and the impact of remote work on leadership dynamics.

Navigating the Transition to Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to adopt remote work policies. Tino advises leaders to be transparent and clear about their expectations when transitioning to remote work. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique needs and motivations of each team member and being flexible in accommodating those needs. Tino also highlights the value of in-person collaboration and suggests a hybrid model that allows for a balance between remote work and in-office collaboration.

Coaching for Personal Change

As the CEO of Turknett Leadership Group, Tino and his team provide coaching services to leaders at all levels. He explains that coaching is not limited to the CEO but extends to high-potential individuals who are taking on new roles within the company. Tino emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding how others perceive you. Through assessments and 360-degree feedback, Tino’s team helps leaders identify their blind spots and develop strategies for personal growth.

The Unique Challenges of Working with Founders

Tino has had the opportunity to work closely with founders in his career, and he acknowledges the unique challenges that come with this dynamic. He advises founders to clearly define their expectations and roles when bringing in a CEO. It is crucial for founders to let go of micromanagement and trust the CEO to lead the company. Tino also emphasizes the importance of open communication and understanding each other’s styles and motivations.

The Five-Year Exit Plan

In a unique twist, Tino joined Turknett Leadership Group with a specific exit plan in mind. He explains that he wanted to make a significant impact on the company’s growth but did not want to commit to a long-term role. Tino believes that this approach can work well for experienced leaders who have a clear vision and can help the company achieve its goals within a defined timeframe. He advises founders to be upfront about their intentions and work collaboratively with the incoming CEO to ensure a smooth transition.

The Importance of Ownership

Tino believes that having some form of ownership in the company is important for CEOs. It provides a sense of investment and alignment with the company’s growth. Tino suggests exploring different compensation models, such as profit sharing or equity, to ensure that the CEO is rewarded for their contributions to the company’s success. He also emphasizes the need for founders to consider their long-term goals and the potential impact of ownership on the company’s future.

Future Outlook

Effective leadership requires a combination of purpose-driven vision, self-awareness, and the ability to adapt to changing dynamics. Tino Mantella’s insights and experiences shed light on the evolving landscape of leadership and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and founders. By embracing a collaborative and flexible approach, leaders can navigate the complexities of the modern business world and drive their companies toward success.

As we look to the future, it is clear that leadership will continue to evolve. The rise of remote work, the impact of AI, and the changing expectations of employees will shape the way leaders operate. By staying adaptable, open-minded, and focused on building strong relationships, leaders can thrive in this ever-changing landscape.

Remember, leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires a deep understanding of oneself, the team, and the company’s goals. By embracing these principles, leaders can amplify their businesses and create a culture of excellence that drives success.

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