Entrepreneurship comes in many forms, but for Chris Allen, it’s always been a mix of hard work, passion, and a deep desire to help others. From managing a gas station as a child with his grandfather to founding Senior First Solutions, Chris’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, adaptability, and serving others. Throughout his diverse career, Chris has shown that true entrepreneurship is more than just business success—it’s about making an impact.

Born and raised in Texas, Chris’s early life was filled with work experiences that laid the foundation for his entrepreneurial mindset. “I just grew up working and understanding what work was,” Chris recalls. Whether it was fixing things on his family’s farm or helping out at his grandfather’s full-service gas station, Chris learned from a young age that success comes from rolling up your sleeves and doing the work. “I don’t know any way not to do it. I should be retired, according to the family,” Chris jokes, “but I just can’t stop working.”

From Zig Ziglar to Law Enforcement

Chris’s entrepreneurial spirit wasn’t confined to his early years. As he grew, his interests expanded, and he chased opportunities with determination. One pivotal moment came when he decided he wanted to work for motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar. “I grew up with Norman Vincent Peale, reading all the books like Think and Grow Rich,” Chris recalls. Inspired by Ziglar’s message, he took the bold step of calling Ziglar’s HR department. “I looked up the phone number in the phone book and called HR,” he says, laughing at the simplicity of it all. That call landed him a job in the company, working in audio-video production—a job Chris describes as like “working for your granddad and grandma.”

But Chris’s path wasn’t linear. After a few years with Ziglar, Chris transitioned into law enforcement, where he served as a sergeant. Despite achieving the rank he aimed for, Chris felt the pull of something more personal. His wife’s health took a downturn, prompting Chris to move his family to a rural area for a time of healing and reflection. It was here that Chris began thinking seriously about what came next. “I didn’t want to work for another company,” he says. “I just wanted to do my own thing.”

Serial Entrepreneur: From Travel to FinTech

Chris didn’t immediately dive into senior care. His journey took several entrepreneurial detours along the way. First, he ventured into the travel industry, running a business focused on offering discounts. “I had a travel business on the side, mostly for discounts,” Chris says. Though it was a successful venture, the timing of his exit from the business—just before the COVID-19 pandemic—proved to be fortuitous. “It was almost like a godsend,” he reflects, noting how the pandemic devastated the travel industry.

But Chris wasn’t one to stay idle. He turned his attention to other ventures, including Spot the Watch, a blog he eventually passed on to his children, and Habitstacker, a productivity platform he acquired. “I met Ian Warner, who founded Habitstacker, and eventually took it over almost three years ago,” Chris explains. Habitstacker offered Chris a way to connect with a global audience and build something meaningful. “Once you get into entrepreneurship or working for yourself, it’s an adventure you just don’t want to give up,” Chris says, capturing the thrill that keeps him moving from one venture to the next.

One of his most interesting projects was FinTech Coffee, a daily newsletter focused on financial technology. After acquiring it, Chris saw an opportunity to scale it with the help of AI and new tech stacks. “We went from a basic newsletter to something that’s now built out with tech stacks, HTML, and AI integration,” Chris explains. Despite the technical challenges, including server issues that temporarily took the blog offline, Chris never gave up. “Just don’t ever give up on those things,” he advises. “Those things are going to happen, especially in the tech side of the world.”

Senior First Solutions: A Mission to Serve

After a winding path through various industries, Chris found himself drawn to a new venture: senior care. The idea for Senior First Solutions came from personal experience. Having dealt with family members who needed assisted living or memory care, Chris realized there was a real need for compassionate and knowledgeable guidance in this area. “I’ve been through it with family members,” Chris says. “I had an uncle with Alzheimer’s, and my mom went through rehab after breaking her hip.”

Senior First Solutions is more than just a business for Chris; it’s a mission. “You can’t do this without empathy,” he explains. “There’s a lot of crying on the phone… but it’s heartwarming that you can provide a solution for somebody.” His role involves working closely with families, case managers, and referral partners to ensure seniors are placed in the right care environment. For Chris, the emotional nature of the work is challenging, but rewarding. “It’s not about making money; it’s about doing good,” he says. His empathy and commitment to helping others are at the core of his business philosophy.

Mindset and Lessons for Entrepreneurs

When asked about the key to his success, Chris doesn’t hesitate: it’s all about mindset. “Entrepreneurship, for sure, but anything in life, it’s just going to start with mindset,” he emphasizes. “You’ve got to believe. If you don’t believe, no one else is going to believe.” This belief in himself has carried Chris through both the ups and downs of his entrepreneurial journey. From dealing with technical glitches in his blog to managing his family’s needs, Chris has remained focused and resilient.

Another critical lesson Chris has learned is the importance of perseverance. “You’ve got to have the discipline to just see it through,” he says. “There are going to be highs and lows, but you’ve just got to keep putting in the work.” It’s a lesson he passes on to new entrepreneurs, often telling them, “Your time’s coming. Just keep putting in the work.”

Chris’s advice is rooted in his own experiences, and he’s candid about the challenges he’s faced. “I’ve had moments where things just weren’t working,” he admits, particularly when dealing with the complexities of running a tech-based newsletter. “We’ve had days when AWS didn’t like us, or something needed tweaking… but we got through it.”

Looking Ahead: A Legacy of Service

As Chris looks toward the future, he’s content with where his entrepreneurial journey has taken him. His work in senior care has given him a renewed sense of purpose. “This is what I’m going to do for the next 10 years,” he says. “And that’s okay with me.” The satisfaction he gets from helping families navigate difficult decisions keeps him motivated every day. “I feel like if I’m not helping someone, I’m not doing something.”

For Chris, success isn’t just about financial gain—it’s about building something that makes a difference. Whether it’s providing discounts through a travel business, educating others through Habitstacker, or offering compassionate care through Senior First Solutions, Chris has stayed true to his core values of service and empathy. His entrepreneurial journey, full of twists and turns, serves as an inspiring example for others looking to make their mark.

“I just believe that if you set your mind to something, you can do it,” Chris says. It’s a simple but powerful message—one that has guided him throughout his life and continues to push him forward.

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