Episode 213: Kid-Drop is on the Road to Success

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For Episode 213 of Amplify Your Business, we’re joined by Julieta Miranda, the CEO of Kid-Drop in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Kid-Drop is a transportation solution for busy families. In a world where kids are constantly on the move, school, sports practices and games, extracurricular activities, and everything else, it can be a challenge to get them to and from all of those things in a safe and timely manner–especially if you’re a parent of more than one child!

Kid-Drop was designed to support parents in those movements in a safe manner, with in-vehicle cameras, carefully vetted drivers in uniform, and backed by transparency and consistency. They’ll get your children from Point A to Point B, whenever you need them to, and you have the peace of mind of knowing that they’re in good hands.

To learn more, visit the Kid-Drop Inc. website.

00:00 – Intro

01:05 – What are three things every entrepreneur should know?

02:39 – Can you tell us a little bit about what Kid-Drop is?

06:36 – Do you have plans to expand through franchising, or do you have another strategy there?

09:27 – Can you explain your business model?

11:14 – What are some of the challenges you faced in the early days of Kid-Drop?

16:53 – What were some of the biggest surprises that you’ve had along the way?

18:48 – Can you take us back to the beginning of the business and talk about the struggles you experienced?

23:54 – You seem to have a lot of strength and mental fortitude. Where do you think that comes from?

26:28 – What’s easier this second go-round of entrepreneurship than it was the first time?

30:41 – If you could write your pre-entrepreneurial self a letter, what would it say?

34:59 – How can our listeners connect with you?

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