Episode 243: Ascent Drywall and Coating

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For Episode 243 of Amplify Your Business, we’re joined by Neil Belenkie, the CEO of Ascent Drywall and Coating. Neil is a serial entrepreneur with over 50 successful businesses under his belt. In his current venture, as the CEO of Ascent Drywall and Coating, Neil completely redone their finance modelling, created a new ideal customer profile, rebuilt supplier partnerships, and put in new controls for theft and accountability. In two-and-a-half years, he turned a company that was drowning into a successful and thriving business.

To learn more, connect with Neil on LinkedIn, or shoot him an email at neil@2000coffee.com.

00:00 – Intro

04:12 – Can you talk to us a little bit about Ascent, what you’re doing there, and what you mean by the term “turnaround specialist”?

10:01 – Please tell us about the $2,000 coffee.

17:56 – How did you get to this place in life where you have all this expertise that allows you to help these companies with their turnarounds?

21:21 – If you could distill this expertise down to three things that you think every entrepreneur should know, what would they be?

25:26 – How do you find the balance between all of the multiple businesses you work for or with simultaneously?

36:34 – If you could write a letter to your younger entrepreneurial self, what advice would you give?

40:49 – What’s the best way for our listeners to connect with you?

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