Episode 244: Saving Lives with AI: ScriptChain Health and the Fight Against Heart Disease

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For Episode 244 of Amplify Your Business, we’re joined by Moh Noori, the CEO and founder of ScriptChain Health. heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, which equates to over 700,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone and globally, over 18 million deaths annually. Readmission equates to over $72M a day in penalties and losses. The heart-shattering and life-changing moment of witnessing his beloved grandmother suffer and ultimately pass away from Congestive Heart Failure is what led Moh down the road to founding ScriptChain Health. In an effort to find a solution to both heart disease and readmission, two growing issues in the health care industry, Moh and ScriptChain Health created an AI prediction platform for heart disease readmission in order to better patient outcomes and help physicians identify patients who are at a high risk of readmission.

To learn more, connect with Moh on LinkedIn or Twitter, or visit their website at https://scriptchain.co

00:00 – Intro

01:10 – What are three things that you think every entrepreneur needs to know?

04:18 – Can you give us a snapshot of what ScriptChain Health is all about?

10:51 – How did you go from being a grad student in business to the founder and CEO of a medical tech and digital health startup?

12:09 – How have you bootstrapped this startup, and where are you now in terms of funding?

13:12 – How are you handling the work-life balance as the founder and CEO of a startup?

17:08 – How do you manage to stay so driven after two-and-a-half years at such an insane pace?

18:29 – Tell me a bit about your business journey. What are some of the hurdles you’ve had to overcome?

25:48 – If you could write a letter to your pre-entrepreneurial self, what would it say?

30:04 – If any of our audience members wanted to connect with you, how could they do that?

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