Episode 247: Empowering Renters, Rewarding Responsible Living

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For Episode 247 of Amplify Your Business, we’re joined by Thomas Deneve, the founder and CEO of RentFund. RentFund turns rent payments into an investment and incentivizes people to take better care of the places where they live. The mission at RentFund is pretty simple: they believe that everyone should benefit financially from the place they live because, oftentimes, that’s our biggest monthly expense. Essentially, a portion of each rent payment a renter makes gets put into an investment fund that will be returned to the renter upon the end of their lease, as long as the property is in good, undamaged condition.

To learn more, visit https://www.rentfund.ca/ 

00:00 – Intro

01:16 – What are the three things that you think every entrepreneur needs to know?

05:00 – Tell us a little bit about RentFund.

12:52 – Can you speak to the marketing aspect of RentFund? How do landlords market their property on your site?

17:13 – From the time you came up with this idea to the time you launched, what are some of the challenges that you’ve had to overcome?

24:23 – Can you explain how you’re playing both sides of the market with RentFund? What is your business model?

27:43 – What is going to be the biggest hurdle you’ll have to overcome to get to the next stage of growth?

33:11 – What is the best way for our listeners to connect with you?

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