In the ever-evolving world of technology and entrepreneurship, balancing a demanding career with personal aspirations can be a challenging feat. Meeta Parekh, a former corporate executive turned franchise owner, has navigated this complex landscape with determination and vision. 

As the owner of a TeamLogic IT franchise, Meeta has successfully transitioned from a 25-year career in corporate America to becoming an entrepreneur, bringing her expertise and passion for technology to a broader audience. During our conversation, Meeta shared her journey, challenges, and the lessons she has learned along the way—insights that are invaluable for anyone looking to carve their own path in business.

Balancing Family and Business

When we spoke, Meeta was in the midst of a busy day—like any entrepreneur juggling multiple responsibilities. Reflecting on her decision to step into entrepreneurship, Meeta shared how she has learned to balance her business commitments with her personal life. “Every challenge is fine; it will help me grow. That which doesn’t kill me is only going to make me better,” she said. This mindset has helped her navigate the complexities of starting a new venture while ensuring that her family remains a priority.

The Evolution of a Franchise Owner

Meeta’s professional journey is deeply rooted in technology, starting with her father’s encouragement to pursue computer science—a field that was rapidly growing 35 years ago. Her decision to enter the tech world led to a successful career at Prudential, where she rose to the position of Vice President of Program Management. However, after two and a half decades, Meeta found herself at a crossroads when she was laid off during a wave of upper management layoffs. “Having worn so many hats and having had so many experiences, I realized that instead of waiting for someone to give me an opportunity, I should find my own path,” she recalled.

This realization led Meeta to explore new opportunities, eventually finding her niche in the managed services industry through the purchase of a TeamLogic IT franchise. “This franchise was right for me. It had the technology I wanted, the backbone I was looking for, and the platform I needed,” Meeta explained. The franchise model provided her with a solid foundation, allowing her to bring her technological expertise and corporate experience to a business that was already established but needed her unique touch to thrive.

The Challenges of Transitioning to Entrepreneurship

Stepping into the role of a franchise owner presented Meeta with new challenges—chief among them was the need to differentiate her business in a competitive market. “The MSP market is up and coming, and every other corner has an MSP provider,” she observed. To stand out, Meeta knew she had to leverage her strengths and focus on providing exceptional service. “If I’m not understanding my audience, if I’m not reading them correctly, if I’m not present at the right time, it’s going to affect me,” she said.

Meeta’s approach to overcoming these challenges is rooted in her service-first philosophy. “I want to help you scale your business. I want to become your partner. That’s my differentiating factor,” she stated. By positioning herself as a trusted advisor and partner to her clients, Meeta has been able to build strong, lasting relationships that set her apart from the competition.

The Role of Mindset in Business Success

For Meeta, mindset plays a crucial role in navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Drawing parallels between her love for mountaineering and her business journey, she emphasized the importance of mental discipline. “Mindset is everything. If the mindset is not correct, it’s going to break you or make you,” she said. Meeta’s experiences climbing mountains like Kilimanjaro have taught her that preparation, discipline, and a positive outlook are essential for success—whether on a mountain or in business.

Her advice to other entrepreneurs? Start each day with a clear mind and a positive attitude. “If you start the day correct—having clarity in your surroundings and a mindset of gratitude—you’re setting yourself up for success,” Meeta advised. This approach, she believes, is foundational to overcoming challenges and achieving business goals.

Empowering Women in Technology

Throughout her career, Meeta has been a strong advocate for women in technology—a field that remains male-dominated. Reflecting on her experiences, she shared the importance of supporting and empowering women in the industry. “There were very few women at the technology table, and most women don’t want to get into this field because it overwhelms them,” she explained.

Meeta’s commitment to empowering women extends beyond her own business. As a life empowerment coach, she has made it her mission to guide and support women, helping them navigate the challenges of the tech industry. “Knowing and helping the underdog becomes my responsibility,” she said. By providing women with the tools and support they need to succeed, Meeta is working to change the landscape of technology, one step at a time.

Looking Ahead

As Meeta continues to build her business, her goals are clear: to establish TeamLogic IT as a trusted provider in the managed services industry while continuing to empower and mentor women in technology. She’s also focused on maintaining a balance between her professional and personal life, a challenge she embraces with the same determination that has defined her journey thus far.

For Meeta, entrepreneurship is not just about running a business—it’s about making a difference. “Every new day is a challenge, and I show up to life and deliver,” she said. With her strong mindset, service-first approach, and commitment to empowering others, Meeta Parekh is paving the way for the next generation of entrepreneurs.

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