For many entrepreneurs, the path to success is filled with challenges, lessons learned the hard way, and a relentless drive to keep moving forward. Troy Latuff, co-founder and driving force behind a successful home services recruiting firm, embodies this journey. From stumbling into the plumbing industry to building a thriving business that now includes a virtual trade school, Troy’s story is one of innovation, resilience, and the importance of finding the right people.

In a recent conversation with Lance Johnson, Troy shared the key lessons he’s learned, the hurdles he’s overcome, and his vision for the future. His insights offer valuable guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those navigating the complexities of the blue-collar workforce.

A Serendipitous Start

Troy’s entry into the plumbing and HVAC industry was far from planned. “I went to school for business,” he recalls. “I had a few different businesses, everything from insurance to other ventures, but nothing quite like this.” His journey into home services began almost by accident when he joined a small, longstanding heating and air conditioning company as a business partner.

Despite not being a plumber by trade, Troy quickly saw the potential in the business. “It was around for 70 years with about six employees, just kind of plateaued. But I started working with them, understanding the business, and we grew it tenfold in a couple of years just by doing a better job—adding the right people and improving processes.”

This experience laid the foundation for his next venture: a niche recruiting firm focused on the skilled trades. “The hardest part of the home service business is the people part,” Troy notes. Recognizing a gap in the market for recruiting blue-collar talent, he and his team built a business that not only finds skilled workers but also helps companies develop their own talent through an innovative virtual trade school.

The Fun, the Grind, and the Reward

For Troy, entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster of excitement and hard work. “It’s the most fun thing you could ever do while you’re doing it, right? Thinking about the business, the branding, the vision—it’s all fun. But then you have to do it. That’s when it gets less fun,” he says with a chuckle.

The reality of building a business, Troy emphasizes, is far from glamorous. “You have to work 24 hours a day for two years or more. It’s a very hard thing to start, but if your dream is good and you work hard at it, you’ll get out of it what you put into it.”

Carving Out a Niche in Recruiting

The transition from running a home services business to creating a specialized recruiting firm wasn’t without its challenges. “I didn’t come from the recruiting world,” Troy admits. “But in some ways, that was a good thing because I had no preconceived notions. We kind of built it from the ground up, focusing on what really works in the blue-collar space.”

Understanding the unique needs of small business owners was key to Troy’s approach. “Most business owners aren’t these big, giant firms with huge HR teams. They’re small operations where the CEO is the Chief Everything Officer. We take the burden of finding qualified people off their shoulders.”

His firm does this by offering a dual approach: traditional headhunting for skilled tradespeople and a virtual trade school that helps businesses train new hires in-house. “We’re like matchmakers,” Troy says, “helping business owners find the talent they need while also giving people a chance to learn a trade and build a career.”

The Virtual Trade School: A Game Changer

One of the most innovative aspects of Troy’s business is the virtual trade school, a 21st-century solution to a longstanding problem in the trades. “We took the concept of a brick-and-mortar trade school and put it online,” Troy explains. “It’s an immersive, interactive platform where business owners can hire someone for their character and teach them the technical skills through our platform.”

This approach not only broadens the pool of potential employees but also makes trade education more accessible and affordable. “Traditional trade schools can cost $10,000 or more. Our program is less than $1,000, and students get the same certification. Plus, we help them with resumes, interview skills, and job placement.”

The virtual trade school has already seen significant success, with hundreds of thousands of users, both from the general public and through partnerships with businesses. “It’s pretty cool,” Troy says modestly, “and it’s really making a difference in people’s lives.”

Overcoming Challenges and Looking Ahead

Despite the success of his business, Troy is candid about the challenges he’s faced, particularly in building the recruiting processes. “The hardest part was to build because it wasn’t my sweet spot,” he says. “But we’ve built a really cool process and platform, with our own software system, websites, and everything. Now, we’re even offering it as a franchise.”

Expanding into franchising is Troy’s next big move. “We’ve got seven franchisees now, and 6 company owned locations, and starting in the next quarter, we’re going all in. My biggest challenge will be being ready for the influx of new business.”

As he prepares for this next phase, Troy remains motivated by the impact his business has on both clients and candidates. “Every day, we make a positive impact on people’s lives. We’re not just a cost burden because your water heater went out—we’re helping people find jobs that can change their lives.”

Lessons Learned and Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Reflecting on his journey, Troy acknowledges that there are things he would have done differently, particularly when it comes to hiring. “I’ve made some hiring mistakes in the past, holding on to people too long when they weren’t a good fit. It impacted the business and the team. If I could do it over again, I’d be much pickier about who I put on my team, especially in the beginning.”

His advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is straightforward: be prepared for the grind, focus on building the right team, and don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary. “You’re going to get out of it what you put into it,” he says. “And if you’re focused and committed, your hard work will pay off.”

Troy’s journey from stumbling into the trades to building a successful recruiting firm and virtual trade school is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and a people-first approach to business. For entrepreneurs looking to learn and be inspired, his story is a reminder that with the right mindset and a willingness to adapt, success is within reach.

As Troy continues to grow his business and expand into franchising, his impact on the blue-collar workforce is set to increase, providing both opportunities for workers and solutions for businesses in need of skilled talent. It’s a journey that’s far from over, and one that will undoubtedly inspire others to take the plunge into entrepreneurship.

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