For many, the leap from a secure corporate position to the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship is intimidating. Kenneth Boyovich, founder and owner of Kmb Consulting, faced this challenge head-on. Through resilience, adaptability, and a keen sense of opportunity, Ken has built a thriving consultancy that helps businesses manage their sales and operational challenges. In an engaging conversation with Lance Johnson, founder and CEO of Amplomedia, Ken shared his insights on the entrepreneurial journey, the challenges he overcame, and the strategies he used to build his business.

The Leap into Entrepreneurship

Ken Boyovich’s entrepreneurial journey began unexpectedly. “I worked for a national company that went through a reduction in force. I posted on LinkedIn that I had just left the company, and one of my customers reached out to me saying, ‘Come help us. You’re the best of those guys we ever knew. We need help,'” Ken recalled. This initial contract, which was supposed to last 90 days, extended to 120 days, marking the start of Kmb Consulting.

The transition from employee to entrepreneur wasn’t easy. “The first thing I learned was it wasn’t as easy as I thought. There’s a lot behind it, from licensing to taxes,” Ken explained. To navigate these initial hurdles, he enlisted the help of an accountant to set up the business structure properly.

Building a Business Focused on Sales and Operational Efficiency

Kmb Consulting primarily targets businesses with sales operations, a niche that Ken knows intimately from his previous career. “My customer profile is anyone that has a sales organization or has sales in their organization,” Ken said. His extensive experience in the waste and recycling industry has proven invaluable. “I helped Seattle Iron and Metals with container management, a big project that involved bringing in outside welding, painting, and lettering teams,” he shared. This project not only solved their compliance issues but also saved them significant costs.

Ken’s approach is holistic and tailored to each client’s needs. “I take a consultation-solution approach. I don’t go to someone’s business trying to sell them a particular product. I find out what they’re doing, what their issues are, and how I can help them with my services,” Ken explained. This strategy has helped him build trust and deliver tangible results for his clients.

Overcoming Challenges and Learning Lessons

The entrepreneurial journey is fraught with challenges, and Ken’s experience is no different. One significant hurdle he faced was clearly communicating his value proposition. “The hardest thing I had to learn in the first six months was how to get across to potential customers and clients what I’m really doing and how I can help them drive their business,” he admitted.

Reflecting on his journey, Ken emphasized the importance of focus and specialization. “If I had a million dollars when I started, I would have focused my business on a particular vertical instead of trying to cater to different life experiences,” he said. This realization has since guided him to refine his business model, concentrating on one vertical to excel in it.

The Importance of Personal Branding and Networking

Personal branding has been an important aspect of Ken’s entrepreneurial strategy. “If I were to start all over again, I would focus more on building my personal brand while still in-house,” he shared. Relying solely on word-of-mouth proved inconsistent and untimely, prompting him to invest in a stronger, more deliberate branding approach.

Networking and leveraging existing relationships played a role in Ken’s early success. That first message after his initial LinkedIn post was the catalyst for starting Kmb Consulting, which underscores the importance of maintaining professional relationships and being visible in your industry.

Proud Achievements and Future Goals

One of Ken’s proudest accomplishments was transforming a non-compliant company into a compliant and profitable one. “I saved them about $400,000 in a six-month period by stopping all the fines,” he said. This success story highlights his ability to deliver impactful results, validating his consulting approach.

Looking ahead, Ken has ambitious goals for Kmb Consulting. “My big goals are to make my business more profitable by helping customers make their businesses more profitable,” he said. He aims to enhance his consultation solutions, focusing on specific verticals and refining his services to meet clients’ needs more effectively.

Ken’s journey from a secure corporate job to running a successful consultancy is a testament to his resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking. His story offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs: embrace challenges, continuously learn, and focus on building a strong personal brand. As Kmb Consulting continues to grow and evolve, Ken’s commitment to helping businesses thrive ensures that his impact will be felt for years to come.

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