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Luigi Lenguito is not your typical entrepreneur. As the founder of a cutting-edge cybersecurity firm and a former professional Formula 3 driver, his path to success is as thrilling as it is inspiring. In a recent interview with Lance Johnson, founder and CEO of Amplomedia, Luigi shared insights into his entrepreneurial journey, the challenges of building a predictive cybersecurity company, and how lessons he learned on the racetrack have influenced his business approach.

The Genesis of a Cybersecurity Visionary

Luigi's journey into cybersecurity wasn't straightforward. "I was actually in a large company for many years—18 years at Dell," he explains. Despite a corporate background, the entrepreneurial spirit ran in his blood, with his father and grandfather being entrepreneurs. This legacy, coupled with his own drive, eventually led Luigi to co-found his current company.

"I met my co-founders during a research institute program," Luigi recalls. "We spent a few weeks together, and then COVID hit, giving us the time to brainstorm and develop our idea." This serendipitous meeting laid the foundation for a company that would leverage AI to predict and prevent cyberattacks—a concept reminiscent of the movie "Minority Report."

Predicting the Future of Cyber Threats

Luigi's company, which he humorously notes is named PreCrime after the concept in the Tom Cruise movie, focuses on predicting cyberattacks before they happen. "We observe the internet multiple times an hour and identify behaviours of malicious activity before those infrastructures are ready for the attack," he explains. This predictive approach allows them to stop attacks weeks before they occur, a revolutionary step in cybersecurity.

The effectiveness of their technology is backed by impressive statistics, "We make over 100,000 predictions every day with 95 to 99 percent accuracy.” This high level of accuracy is supported by a guarantee: if they miss an attack, they cover the customer's loss up to ten times the value of their contract, thanks to an insurance partnership with Munich Re.

The Challenges of Scaling Up

Building a company from the ground up is never easy, and Luigi's journey is no exception. One of the key challenges has been educating potential customers about the value of predictive cybersecurity. "Many small enterprises think cybersecurity is not a problem for them," Luigi says. "It's not true, but they don't have the time to educate themselves."

To address this, Luigi and his team focus on medium to large enterprises, where the need and budget for cybersecurity solutions are more apparent. "The smallest company we work with has about 15 people, but our main focus is on larger enterprises," he notes.

Lessons from Past Ventures

Luigi is no stranger to failure. His first entrepreneurial venture, a marketplace for services, did not succeed. However, the lessons he learned from that experience have been invaluable in shaping his current approach. "I started with an idea that was fantastic from a product perspective but had no passion for the market," he reflects. This lack of passion made it difficult to stay motivated.

Another critical mistake was building the product for a year before talking to customers. "It's a very typical error," Luigi admits. Additionally, he hired too many junior people initially, which consumed a lot of his energy in training them. "You need to hire experienced people who can contribute from day one," he says.

The Importance of a Strong Team and Culture

One of the most significant successes in Luigi's current venture has been the formation of a strong, diverse team. "We are now 62 people in 23 countries, with about 26 nationalities and nearly half women," Luigi proudly states. This diversity has been a cornerstone of their success, fostering a culture of innovation and resilience.

From the beginning, Luigi and his co-founders were clear about the type of company they wanted to build. "We had hard conversations about our goals, roles, and company culture during the first six months," he explains. This clarity and alignment have been crucial in navigating the challenges of scaling a global company.

The Role of AI in Cybersecurity

Luigi believes that AI is the future of cybersecurity. "We are entering the era of machines against machines.”. The volume of cyberattacks is growing exponentially, making it impossible for human operators to manage manually. "We use blue AI to combat red AI," Luigi explains, highlighting the dynamic and constantly evolving nature of cyber threats.

Their approach has attracted significant investment, with a recent $50 million Series A funding round. This funding is being used to scale their operations, particularly in the US market. "We know our ideal customers and how they buy. Now it's about scaling our sales engine in the US," Luigi says.

The Future of Predictive Security

Looking ahead, Luigi is focused on continuing to innovate and expand their predictive cybersecurity technology. "We have a clear roadmap of what we want to develop and the pain points we want to solve for our customers," he states. This focus on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction is at the heart of their strategy.

Despite the challenges, Luigi remains optimistic about the future. "We are the first of a new generation of cybersecurity companies that focus on predictive security," he says. By staying ahead of the curve and constantly adapting, Luigi and his team are setting new standards in the industry.

From the Racetrack to the Boardroom

Luigi's background as a professional Formula 3 driver has also influenced his entrepreneurial journey. According to him, "There are similarities between driving a Formula car and running a company.” Both require precision, quick decision-making, and the ability to stay calm under pressure.

These skills have served Luigi well in the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, where “you need to be adaptable and resilient." This mindset has helped him navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and build a company that is innovative, robust, and scalable.

Final Thoughts

Luigi Lenguito's journey from corporate executive to cybersecurity innovator and former race car driver is a testament to the power of resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new challenges. His story offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs: the importance of passion, the value of a strong team, and the necessity of continuous innovation.

As Luigi continues to scale his company and push the boundaries of what is possible in cybersecurity, his journey inspires others. Whether on the racetrack or in the boardroom, Luigi's drive to succeed and his commitment to making a difference are evident. His story reminds us that with the right mindset and approach, the possibilities are endless.

Looking to divulge your own entrepreneur story? We’d love to hear and share it here! Contact us today to uncover your inspirations, triumphs, and learnings.


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