Building a business is never easy, but for Lukas Simianer, it’s about more than just creating a successful venture—it’s a mission to solve real-world problems while battling systems that fail those they’re supposed to serve. With a background that spans military service to founding multiple companies, Lukas’s journey is marked by resilience, passion, and a fierce desire to make a difference.

In our recent interview, Lukas opens up about his entrepreneurial path, the challenges of balancing multiple businesses, and the deep personal motivation that drives him to succeed.

Early Entrepreneurial Beginnings

Lukas’s journey into entrepreneurship began after a significant chapter in his life: his time in the military. A Purple Heart recipient and veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Lukas faced not only the physical and emotional toll of war but also the challenge of reintegrating into civilian life. After leaving the army, he was left with very little—a modest amount of money, and a car filled with everything he owned. Despite these setbacks, he quickly adopted a mindset of survival and growth. Reflecting on those early days, Lukas said:

 “I couldn’t accept that victim mindset… I realized that I was kind of weird in the way I thought about things, like other people didn’t see the beauty in hardship… but I always looked at it as a game. And if it’s a game, and you’ve already experienced the worst possible outcome, why would you ever stop pushing forward?”

This mentality laid the groundwork for Lukas’s future endeavors, pushing him to not only start new ventures but to constantly seek ways to improve and challenge the status quo.

Tackling the Blind Learning Gap

Lukas’s first major entrepreneurial effort came with Clusiv, the world’s first e-learning platform designed for individuals who are blind. His motivation stemmed from observing a gap in the education system for visually impaired individuals and realizing that with the right technology, he could help bridge that gap. Clusiv gained traction quickly, raising $4 million in venture funding and expanding to 37 states across the U.S.

Despite the company’s success in terms of impact and scale, political and systemic obstacles proved insurmountable. Though Clusiv ultimately didn’t work out, Lukas didn’t let this setback define him.

The Birth of Lukas Consulting and

After stepping away from Clusiv, Lukas redirected his energy into a new venture: Lukas Consulting, a service aimed at helping entrepreneurs establish an online presence without breaking the bank. He saw an industry charging exorbitant fees for services that didn’t always match the needs of startups. Through his consulting business, Lukas sought to democratize web development, making it accessible for early-stage businesses.

“People are still charging $30,000 for a website,” Lukas noted. “Most startups don’t need that. They need a $2,000 WordPress website that works.”

While Lukas Consulting provided a stable income stream and allowed Lukas to help others, his real passion lay elsewhere—specifically, in a project that spoke to his identity as a veteran:

This venture is deeply personal to Lukas. Aimed at transforming how veterans file for benefits, leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the claims process, which is notoriously cumbersome. The current system either requires veterans to file claims themselves—often a long and painful process—or to turn to “claim sharks,” companies that take a significant portion of veterans’ back pay. Lukas, seeing the injustice in this, set out to create a solution.

“The alternative [to doing it yourself] is people paying claim sharks… These companies will take massive chunks of veterans’ back pay. That’s not right. How do I leverage AI to make it so that veterans can file their claims quickly and correctly without getting fleeced?”

Through, Lukas is working to revolutionize this system, providing veterans with a faster, fairer alternative. His vision is clear: by capturing even a small portion of the market, his company has the potential to grow into a multimillion-dollar business while delivering genuine value to veterans.

Juggling Multiple Businesses: The Challenge of Focus

One of the most impressive aspects of Lukas’s entrepreneurial journey is his ability to balance multiple ventures at once. However, he admits that this balancing act is no small feat.

“I don’t recommend building two businesses at once,” Lukas candidly shared. “But if you do, you have to be transparent with your team. Let them know exactly what the mission is and where your priorities lie. That transparency builds loyalty.”

For Lukas, part of the secret to success has been cultivating teams that are aligned with the mission and goals of each business. By being upfront about his vision, he’s been able to build loyalty and trust within his team—a trait he attributes to his military background. The philosophy of “leaders eat last” is one he carries with him, ensuring that his employees feel valued and part of a larger purpose.

Overcoming Personal and Business Challenges

Like any entrepreneur, Lukas has faced his share of challenges, both personal and professional. From the obstacles of navigating a new business landscape post-military to dealing with the complexities of scaling a venture, Lukas emphasizes the importance of resilience.

“The big challenge that I’ve come across is not getting distracted by the things you can’t control… but there is always something you can control,” he said.

This mindset has helped him tackle some of the most significant challenges in his business journey. Whether it’s dealing with the unpredictability of running multiple companies or the hurdles of scaling a tech-driven solution like, Lukas is laser-focused on what he can change—and that’s where he directs his energy.

The Personal Mission Behind

At the core of Lukas’s entrepreneurial drive is his “why.” For him, it’s not just about building successful businesses; it’s about solving real problems and giving back to his community. In the case of, his motivation is rooted in personal experiences and the struggles of veterans like himself.

“I’ve lost friends to suicide, and while money doesn’t solve everything, maybe if those veterans had the support they needed, they’d still be here,” Lukas shared, his voice full of emotion.

For Lukas, building is about more than profit; it’s about ensuring that veterans aren’t left behind by a system that is supposed to support them. His mission is clear: to offer a service that helps veterans file their claims quickly and accurately, without having to lose a significant portion of their benefits to predatory companies.

Looking Ahead

As Lukas continues to build both Lukas Consulting and, his focus remains on creating lasting change. In the next year, his goal is to scale by building trust within the veteran community and expanding partnerships with nonprofits.

“The biggest challenge is reaching an audience that is incredibly diverse by its nature… but we’re determined to build trust at scale,” Lukas explained.

By partnering with veteran nonprofits and continuing to refine the AI technology behind, Lukas is confident that his company will make a significant impact. And as for the future, Lukas is driven by one clear goal: to help as many veterans as possible navigate a broken system and get the support they deserve.

In the world of entrepreneurship, Lukas Simianer’s journey stands out not just for his business success, but for his unwavering commitment to making the world a better place—one veteran at a time.

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