Fighting The Opioid Crisis and Addiction with Jay Schiff | 5 Min Read

Life is not linear and neither is entrepreneurship. According to Jay Schiff, it’s important that you’re adaptable because as many plans as you make, you’ll rarely follow them from A to Z. Jay is the co-founder and CEO of Addinex Technologies, Inc., a company aiming to tackle addiction with a prescription medication dispensing system and platform. […]

Decluttering Homes and Minds with Christa Jones | 8 Min Read

Having a clean home is wonderful. No need to call in the bomb squad to deal with the mess that is your living area when you decide to have a barbeque for your friends and family. However, it goes far beyond that. Psychologically, a cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind: generating feelings of overwhelm […]

Mike Lee: The Entrepreneur Funding Entrepreneurs | 5 Min Read

The importance of funding (and doing it correctly), the significance of people in business (both internal and external), and why persistence needs to go hand-in-hand with patience as a business owner.   Uncover years of experience-based knowledge with us and Mike Lee, founder of Fundica. A company that is streamlining the funding journey for entrepreneurs and […]

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