How video content builds trust and credibility for B2B-focused businesses

Let’s face it, as a B2B business, you know how important building trust and credibility is with your clients (and potential clients!). You wear so many hats already and still have to be seen as an expert, a leader, and a partner who can solve problems and help clients achieve their goals. But how do […]

The Hero’s Journey for B2B: Why Storytelling is Your Secret Weapon

Imagine this: You’re a B2B service provider offering top-notch services to businesses. You have data-driven solutions, expert staff, and a proven track record. Yet, leads are lukewarm, and conversions feel like pulling teeth. Sound familiar? Here’s the truth: in today’s saturated B2B landscape, facts and features just don’t cut it anymore. You need a way […]

Beyond Logos and Taglines: The Art of Mastering Branding

In today’s competitive business landscape, branding plays a crucial role in building a successful company. It goes beyond designing a logo or crafting a catchy tagline. Mastering the art of branding involves creating a clear and compelling message that connects with your target audience. It’s about understanding the customer’s story and crafting a brand story […]

The Power of Customer Focus: Building Brand Loyalty and Growing Your Business

As an entrepreneur, building a successful business is all about focusing on your customers. Every successful entrepreneur understands that customer service is key to building a loyal customer base, repeat business, and referrals – all of which are essential for growth and scalability. In this blog, we will explore the importance of customer service and […]

Why Your Video Email Blast is Missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix It)

Someone recently asked me, “what are some of the most common questions clients ask you time and time again?” A few came to mind, but one in particular stood out. “I want to send an email blast out to my customers; how do I add my video to it?” Email remains one of the most effective […]

4 Video Creation Ideas That Will Save You Time & Money!

The uncertainty of our economy has dominated the conversation in recent months. In these turbulent times, business owners are forced to economize, to trim the fat, to get back to basics.But how do we do that without undermining our marketing strategies and jeopardizing ROI? We hunt for budget solutions. And because video marketing has such […]

Why Optimized Video Titles Are Hotter Than Jennifer Lawrence

Let’s be honest, we all have things we know we should be doing and with the best of intentions we write them down in a list and tuck it away somewhere for ‘when we have time’…but we never really have the time when there’s 20 other priorities vying for our attention, do we? I pulled […]

The 6 Essential Elements Of A Kickass Video Script

If writing isn’t quite your thing and the idea of crafting an entire script scares the sh!t out of you, you’re in the right place. Script writing is just as much science as it is art. Regardless of what the script is meant to explain, at its very core it’s simply a story. And lucky […]

Excuse Me, Your Culture Is Showing…

“Talent is the multiplier. The more energy and attention you invest in it, the greater the yield.” – Marcus Buckingham Talented. Professional. Experienced. Qualified. Positive. Team Player. Motivated. Loyal. Filter out the fluff from a typical job posting and almost every company is looking for the same thing: someone who encompasses these key attributes. And […]