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Meet the dynamic Denise Drace-Brownell, the driving force behind DDB Technology. As the Founder and CEO, Denise shares pearls of entrepreneurial wisdom that are nothing short of groundbreaking. From igniting your entrepreneurial journey with a crystal-clear mission to curating a dream team of advisors, she crafts a roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs that sparkles with practicality.

What are three things every entrepreneur should know?

Denise emphasizes the importance of having a clear mission as the foundation for success in entrepreneurship. She believes that being an entrepreneur is about pursuing our passions, and having a very clear mission provides direction and fuels the drive and determination necessary to overcome obstacles along the way.

Denise also highlights the significance of having trusted advisors to offer you advice and an outside perspective. While paid advisors can offer valuable insights, Denise cautions against relying solely on them. She points out that paid advisors may have conflicting interests and may only sometimes prioritize the entrepreneur's best interests. Relying on a solid support system that knows you, has your best interests at heart, and is successful in and of itself is key.

Self-care is a vital and often overlooked part of entrepreneurship. Denise underscored the significance of making time for physical and mental well-being, as it enhances productivity and overall success. Prioritizing self-care can lead to better aging and greater achievements.

What problem does your business solve? 

At its core, Denise’s business, DBB Technology, helps smaller companies and individuals retain more of their equity. Many startups and small businesses often find themselves in a position where they dilute their ownership due to external investments or missteps in areas like patent filings. DDB Technology steps in to guide them toward recognizing the innovative potential within their operations. This empowers them to expand and capitalize on these innovations without constantly resorting to capital-raising efforts.

DDB is also deeply committed to socially responsible projects. They firmly believe that profitability and making a positive impact on society can go hand in hand. Their initiatives span various areas, with a significant focus on addressing climate change. By assisting companies in confronting environmental challenges, they contribute to both problem-solving and the development of innovative solutions in these domains.

Another key facet of their work involves innovations in the realm of vision and eyewear. It all began with a focus on addressing binocular vision disorders, a problem affecting a significant portion of the population. 

However, their technology has since transcended this specific issue, extending its applications to encompass all forms of eyewear, lenses, glasses, and augmented/virtual reality devices. This innovation serves a broad customer base, offering solutions not only for binocular vision disorders but also for the digital eye strain that plagues many individuals.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

For Denise, entrepreneurship is intrinsically tied to one's passions, which ties back to her belief in the importance of a well-defined purpose. This clarity not only guides the way for her but also stokes the fires of determination needed to surmount obstacles.

Her inspiration to become an entrepreneur is deeply rooted in her inherent nature and her career experiences. Throughout her professional journey, whether working in the public sector, managing interstate compacts, or being a part of large multinational companies, Denise always displayed entrepreneurial qualities and a drive to initiate and fix things.

Denise has an innate disposition as a creative thinker and an affinity for tackling business challenges. Denise's approach to problem-solving and her ability to come up with innovative solutions align well with entrepreneurship. Her passion lies in addressing issues for companies, developing exceptional products, and making a positive impact on society.

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you started your business?

First and foremost, Denise highlighted the importance of human capital in the early stages of a business and emphasized how challenging it can be to find the right individuals to build and expand your company. She acknowledges that errors in hiring decisions can be costly and time-consuming. 


In hindsight, if given the opportunity, she would have allocated a substantial portion of her early resources into securing the right talent, recognizing that the choice of the right team members can make or break a business's trajectory.

Denise also mentioned her preference for hiring exceptionally bright and talented individuals without being intimidated by the presence of smart and capable team members; in fact, she welcomes their expertise. Understanding the significance of talent and the necessity of providing them with appropriate compensation would have been an exciting avenue to explore. By making substantial investments in recruiting and retaining top-notch professionals, her business could have advanced more rapidly and pursued a broader spectrum of opportunities.

What is your proudest accomplishment as an entrepreneur? 

Denise's proudest accomplishment as an entrepreneur lies in her work related to addressing binocular vision disorder (BV disorder) and the transformative impact her technology has had. BV disorder affects the ability of the eyes to converge on different objects swiftly and to telescope. 

When individuals have BV disorder, these two critical functions slow down significantly, which can create numerous challenges. Denise recognizes how these challenges can be particularly daunting, especially for individuals working with materials and digital screens.

Denise’s innovative work with prism glasses and technology, offering transformative solutions to those who have experienced the challenges of this condition, is something she’s immensely proud of. She envisions a broader application of her work, aiming to revolutionize the field of vision technology.

What big goals are you looking to achieve? 

Denise’s main goal for the future is to continue growing and developing DD Technology. She envisions options such as licensing or selling the technology to the public sector and anticipates making progress on this front within the coming year. 

Denise also emphasized the importance of her intellectual property expertise through IP Pro. She’s keen on engaging with major consulting firms to explore how IP Pro can be of value to them. Her objective is not only to introduce her technology but to guarantee that it reaches the right hands. 

Amidst her professional pursuits, Denise recognizes the importance of achieving a balance between work and personal life. She aspires to create more time for herself, allowing her to enjoy life and find fulfillment in both her professional endeavours and personal experiences.  

What are the inspirations, achievements, goals, and thoughts that make up your own entrepreneurial landscape? Contact us today to share your learned wisdom and tell the world more about your business.


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