We deliver you more customers.


We don't love to talk about ourselves, because we believe the focus should always be on you and on making your marketing stand out. But if you need to know more about us...

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A number of years ago I had another company which was a strategic business consultancy. I was working with a client that had a big shift in their business strategy, and their business model. So we thought the best way to explain that was going to be through animated explainer videos. The challenge that I was having at the time was that there was nobody locally that was doing those types of videos.

At the same time, a friend of mine who is a talented illustrator had gone to school for illustration and was in a mountain of debt that he was paying off by working a higher paying job than what he would be making as an illustrator. So oftentimes when we would go out for drinks what he was complaining about was just how he was not fulfilling that need that he had, that craving to be creative. So I said "Hey, here's an opportunity! If I were to build a script for these videos, would you be able to illustrate them and find somebody from your old class that would be able to animate them?" He jumped at that opportunity. So we crafted the scripts, created the videos, and presented them to one very happy client! The client started sharing the videos amongst their network and lo and behold we had people asking "Who created these videos?" So that client of ours obviously passed those inquiries on to us and the rest is kind of history!

The business started to grow from there, and eventually, we were able to have my friend quit his labour job and become full time at Amplomedia. Now he's off doing his own thing and has started an amazing illustration career, and while we all miss him dearly, I'm happy to have assembled an awesome team in his place!

So that's the origin story, there was no big strategy that was built, no business plans or market research (🤯). In actuality had I done the market research prior to I'm not sure I would have even started Amplomedia because as a business it was one of those things that if you were doing it off the side of your desk it made sense, but when it came time to invest in a whole pile of technology, computer systems, and staff to do the work it would have looked like something I didn't want to get into. But I'm glad we found that opportunity and took the leap because we really enjoy what we do for our clients as we help them communicate their messages in a very fun and engaging way.

Since then we've evolved and now we offer lots of other digital marketing services and we just keep trying to help our clients out the best that we can! And we want to help YOU too! So pick up the phone or click below and let's talk.


Lance Johnson

Managing Director

City of Edmonton
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City of Red Deer
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West Edmonton Mall
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See what some of our AWESOME clients have to say about working with us!

Shannon Routley

Corporate Designer, Disbrand

Dragan Marjanovic