Best practices, strategies, inspiration, and case studies from the digital marketing world.

Let's talk:

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    Amplifying your mesage with video marketing

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    Website designs that convert

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    Engaging social media marketing

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    Improving ROI on ad campaigns

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    And everything else about converting more leads!

  • We strive to be honest, transparent, and even kinda funny sometimes, if you're into that.

Unlocking Your Business Superpower: A Recipe for Success

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you may feel overwhelmed by the challenges of building and scaling your enterprise. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, it’s important to identify and leverage your unique strengths, or what we call your “business superpower.”


add impact with slideshare

SlideShare – adding impact with this important marketing platform!

SlideShare is quickly gaining notoriety in the world of content marketing. According to, SlideShare sees 500% more B2B traffic than LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube with over 3 billion presentation views per month! Stats like these are hard to ignore and clearly illustrate the potential of this growing platform. So what is SlideShare? It’s…

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using video in your crowdfunding campaign to boost engagement

Crowdfunding 101: How Exploding Kittens & Laser Beams Will Raise You More Money!

Yes, you did read the headline correctly; kittens bursting into a fiery blaze, laser pointer distractions and mutant animals have helped achieve unbelievable success on Kickstarter. But, before we get into how these three seemingly unrelated things are going to launch your project to unprecedented success, lets take a quick step back… Unless you’ve been…

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7 steps to harness video marketing for your marketing strategy

7 Steps to Harness the Most Important Marketing Tool of 2015!

Ringing in a new year inevitably leads to setting new goals, and not just the ones that involve hitting the gym to improve your health. Regardless of what point in the year business planning takes place in your organization the start of 2015 is a good time to reflect on how well your marketing strategy…

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4 types of marketing videos

Four Types of Marketing Videos

If you’ve landed on this page you’re likely a business owner involved in some aspect of a marketing strategy aimed at generating leads…am I right? Thought so. And, if you’ve read any marketing material online lately you’ve likely heard of the incredible impact video has on consumer brand engagement and its rapidly increasing usage in…

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