Best practices, strategies, inspiration, and case studies from the digital marketing world.

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    Amplifying your mesage with video marketing

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    Website designs that convert

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    Improving ROI on ad campaigns

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    And everything else about converting more leads!

  • We strive to be honest, transparent, and even kinda funny sometimes, if you're into that.

Unlocking Your Business Superpower: A Recipe for Success

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you may feel overwhelmed by the challenges of building and scaling your enterprise. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, it’s important to identify and leverage your unique strengths, or what we call your “business superpower.”


workplace culture

Excuse Me, Your Culture Is Showing…

“Talent is the multiplier. The more energy and attention you invest in it, the greater the yield.”– Marcus Buckingham Talented. Professional. Experienced. Qualified. Positive. Team Player. Motivated. Loyal. Filter out the fluff from a typical job posting and almost every company is looking for the same thing: someone who encompasses these key attributes. And there…

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how to make content marketing easier

Content Marketing is a B$@#h! Here’s How to Ease the Pain.

I’m just going to throw something out there…creating content can be a b@#!h sometimes. You spend days locked in strategy meetings brainstorming new ideas, hours scouring the internet for new articles and an embarrassingly long time pretending you’re looking for things to post but you’re literally tapped out (not like I’ve ever done that or…

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does explicit content really sell more

Warning: Explicit Content Sells – Or Does It?

What do Carls Jr., PETA, the War of Worlds mobile video game and Mythbusters have in common? Sex. These companies (with the exception of Mythbusters who conducted a study, but we’ll get into that later) have used sex in their ads, attempting to cash in on the advertising industry mantra: sex sells. It might be…

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51 uses for video

51 Uses for Video in Marketing

Not sure how to incorporate video into your marketing strategy? Or maybe you think video is one-dimensional? Check out this infographic we created that shows 51 different ways to use video marketing – and trust us, this is not an exhaustive list! Don’t forget to share with your network as well.

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